the amazing weekend

Wednesday 22 May 2024 


On Saturday Morning I woke up and watched Real Madrid Highlights. After I finished watching, my brother and I went to the beach. We came back from the beach. I was playing with my bike. Once we came back we took the soccer ball and went to the field to play football with me and my brother . On Sunday I woke up at 10 and ate breakfast and went to the park to play with my brother and me. We came back and played with my bike. Then we went to the Warehouse, after we finished from the warehouse we went to the Pakn Save to buy snakes.  Then it was night time so I went to sleep because I had school on Monday. 

Narrative writing

Thursday 16 May 2024 


  1. Once upon a time there was a boy called Ronaldo and a girl called Gorjana. Ronaldo and Gojana are both neighbours. They also like to play football  but Ronaldo is fat so he can’t run fast or play well.Ronaldo is 21 years old and Gojana 20. They both have black hair and black eyes. Ronaldo wears a Jordan suit Jordan ,white,blue shoes. Gorjana wears an Adidas suit, red Nike shoes . They both live near the beach with their mum and dad.Ronaldo has a dog called Bob. Bob is a bull dog and he is white and black.Ronaldo and Gorjana  are quiet. But Ronaldo likes to fight when he plays football. Gorjana is skinny and has red lips. Ronaldo likes to read books.
  2.  One day Ronaldo was going to the Manurewa Library with Gorjana. When they arrived at the Manurewa library, Ronaldo liked to read scary stories. He  was looking so hard to find a nice scary book to read. But Gorjana  likes history books. She found a story about Aotearoa history. And Ronaldo found a book about vampires. So they both sat and started to read their book.  
  3. All of a sudden they heard a strange noise saying “GOT YOU WHERE I WANT YOU I WILL EAT YOU”!!!

So ronaldo went to see the noise. Ronaldo was so scared and opened the to and turned the lights on and he was a parrot that was copying his owner’s voice. So Ronaldo laughed and laughed. Then Ronaldo went up stairs and finished reading his book.

Should animals be kept in zoos

Should animals be kept in zoos

YES animals should be kept in zoos!!


Did you know that many animals like lions and tigers are saved from extinction thanks to zoos.

(According to time kids)


Enrichment gives animals a creative outlet for physical activities and mental exercise as well as choice and control over how they spend their time. That means  that animals in zoos have lots to do. This is why animals should be kept in zoos. 


This is why I believe animals should be kept in zoos….

For many people zoos are the only chance they’ll have in their entire lives to see beautiful animals.

According to Sentient Policy 


Zoos can help to save endangered species by keeping them in a safe environment. Some zoos have breeding programs. This is the other way to protect endangered species which may have trouble finding suitable mates in the wild.

According to green Eco friends


To conclude Animals should be kept in zoos!!